I wandered on. In someone's front yard I noticed a peculiar cactus. I walked on. I got about a block away and had to turn around. What had I just seen?

I had to take two pictures. Look closely. I call these "Penis Cacti."
I came upon these strangely beautiful flowers. Don't know the name. I could make it up. You'd probably buy it. My dad always said if you said something with enough confidence, people believe it. (That may be a comment on our sociopolitical problems right now.) I will call these flowers "Festival Blooms."
I went through a garden dedicated to medicinal plants and plants used in ritual. Okay... this is true. This is an "Allspice Tree."
I know. It looks like a "tree." But, I'm telling you, I pulled a bud off the tree and my fingers smelled like allspice for the rest of the walk. Allspice grows on trees! Who knew?
I walked through a very young Redwood grove. I didn't take pictures. I live in California. I have a bazillion pictures of Redwoods. Love them.. my favorite tree, but this is not about that.
Okay. Looks like a palm tree. What amazing flowers! Hanging off the tree! It seemed incongruous. Wish you'd been there. Such a nice surprise. So..."Surprise Palm." (caution: may be poisonous!)
Along another path...it was calling me...I came upon this strange and slightly familiar tree on the edge of a meadow. I have two views, coming and going. I think it is a "Monkey Puzzle Tree", but it doesn't look like what I think a "Monkey Puzzle" is. So. 

Finally I came upon a tiny forest of varied foliage. But, if you look in the distance of this photo, past what looks like a fallen tree, you will see a tree that looks like it just needed to take a nap.
"The Sleeping Tree." Treebeard would be proud.
This was the end of my adventure. I turned around and walked home through the neighborhoods. I have more to explore. Later. What a world. It gives me hope. I hope to give hope back.
Seeing is the first step.
That was thoughtful, provocative, educational, entertaining, and hilarious. May I accompany you on your next trek? I'll bring lunch.