Saturday, August 8, 2009

Naming and Seeing.

I went walking today. Finally, time to really walk. I found myself in new places with new and weird plant life. I explored paths I'd never taken before. The day was cooler and the flora new and strange.
What is this tree? (Okay, there is my thumb, but what the heck is this tree?) Hmm. I name it: "The Reaching Tree."

I wandered on. In someone's front yard I noticed a peculiar cactus. I walked on. I got about a block away and had to turn around. What had I just seen?
I had to take two pictures. Look closely. I call these "Penis Cacti."

I came upon these strangely beautiful flowers. Don't know the name. I could make it up. You'd probably buy it. My dad always said if you said something with enough confidence, people believe it. (That may be a comment on our sociopolitical problems right now.) I will call these flowers "Festival Blooms."

I went through a garden dedicated to medicinal plants and plants used in ritual. Okay... this is true. This is an "Allspice Tree."
I know. It looks like a "tree." But, I'm telling you, I pulled a bud off the tree and my fingers smelled like allspice for the rest of the walk. Allspice grows on trees! Who knew?

I walked through a very young Redwood grove. I didn't take pictures. I live in California. I have a bazillion pictures of Redwoods. Love them.. my favorite tree, but this is not about that.
Came out of the Redwood grove and nearly bumped into this!
Okay. Looks like a palm tree. What amazing flowers! Hanging off the tree! It seemed incongruous. Wish you'd been there. Such a nice surprise. So..."Surprise Palm." (caution: may be poisonous!)

Along another was calling me...I came upon this strange and slightly familiar tree on the edge of a meadow. I have two views, coming and going. I think it is a "Monkey Puzzle Tree", but it doesn't look like what I think a "Monkey Puzzle" is. So.

Finally I came upon a tiny forest of varied foliage. But, if you look in the distance of this photo, past what looks like a fallen tree, you will see a tree that looks like it just needed to take a nap.

"The Sleeping Tree." Treebeard would be proud.

This was the end of my adventure. I turned around and walked home through the neighborhoods. I have more to explore. Later. What a world. It gives me hope. I hope to give hope back.

Seeing is the first step.

1 comment:

  1. That was thoughtful, provocative, educational, entertaining, and hilarious. May I accompany you on your next trek? I'll bring lunch.
