Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My Hero.

Chronic: "persisting for a long time, or constantly recurring."
Disease: "a disorder of structure or function in a human, an animal, or a plant. Esp. one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury."
Chronic Disease. Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic disease. The disease has its own personality. It wears and tears on the human nervous system. It fucks with the brain. It makes life extraordinarily difficult. Getting up is a challenge. When one is alone, making coffee is a big deal. Struggling not to be an invalid, forcing... picking up one's legs with stronger arms to get in the car is exhausting. Finding the handicapped space... difficult. Getting out of the car, sometimes seems impossible. But, groceries have to be bought. Bills have to be paid. Errands need to be run. The lawn needs water. The will, for now, insists. Chemotherapy and bravery. My heart breaks.

I love the man. He inspires me. He is so much more than his disease. Yet, every moment of his life is a struggle. And every night he goes to bed thinking, "tomorrow will be better." This is the heart of courage. He faces life, he contributes, he loves and he'd dance if he only could.

Those of you who know, know. Those who don't, well, wake up and see how glorious and unique and special he is. He belongs to the world and he is confined to his house. His music is his life, and he can't play it much anymore. Yet! He goes to bed looking for tomorrow to be better.

He is my hero.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Your husband is a brave man with a big heart. And your heart is pretty big, too, my friend.

    Miss you.

