Thursday, July 16, 2009

Everybody Inhale!

On some level I am interested in everything. I am a news junkie, when I have the time. I'm interested in politics, though lately, I find I end up disgusted and frustrated and change the channel. I am interested in music and poetry and the poetry of music. I appreciate simple declarative statements. I enjoy proper syntax. I do. I hate when I've sent some note along that makes less sense than I'd intended. I've learned to stop correcting other people's syntax, without permission. I want to know more about science and nature. I want more time to read and do crossword puzzles. I do find time to walk alone, everyday. It saves me.

I've forgotten a lot of what I've learned, but I remember just enough to stay in the conversation. Gossip is fun, but there are oh, so many more lustrous topics floating around out there. I want to talk about the nature of the universe. I want to talk about why dogs will respond to people pointing and apes will not. I want to talk about sentience in animals not human. I want to talk about star clusters and star maps, ocean currents and current events, theatre and television, film and trashy novels, Van Gogh and Basquiat, my poet grandmother and e.e. cummings, PDQ Bach and JS Bach, Woody Allen and The Firesign Theatre, Genesis at it's genesis, and Gentle Giant, Football, Basketball, my family, yours, the future, today.

My interests are wide and varied. I noticed that the thread in my long list is that, I want to talk! Pick a topic. I can listen too. Or, I should say, I'll try.

I do space from time to time. I go to some other place, some other memory, and I forget to listen. (I also forget to breathe sometimes. This alarms my doctors. They say, "Oh! But you have to breathe!"... duh.)

Breathe. Maybe that is the solution. We all just have to stop. We need to listen. We need to breathe. Ah.

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