Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rejoining The Fray.

I stopped by the LATC (Los Angeles Theatre Center) this afternoon after my class. It was a good idea. I wandered with the general manager and started remembering the time I'd spent there. (I did three shows for the old LATC, and the work space has not changed much.) It was exciting and new and comforting and familiar. (And... they pay for parking!)

I just received and downloaded the script. I'll need the electronic copy so I can keep up with the changes. I have a meeting next week with my director and I need to find an assistant. Those scary words.."There is pay" are attached to the search. Frankly, it is not much less than I'm getting. And hey! That lucky person will work with me!

Back at it, if only briefly. I'll worry about the later, later. This is all good, and today I appreciated how important it is just to rejoin the fray.

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