Sunday, March 14, 2010


Boring. I've started now 3 times to write this blog. All boring and all rejected. I was trying to say something about our new media platforms...facebook, youtube, twitter, myspace...boring!
We've all said it before.

In this darkness someone needs to speak out for true communication. I'm not sure blogging is the answer because it doesn't seem to generate much discussion. I'll continue to look at my blog as an online and public diary of my thoughts. I don't consider it discourse.

Ah... that brings us to the telephone. Yeah, the actual act of phoning someone is reaching out. Ok, until you reach nothing but voice mail... One side of communication, again. Texting often has the same result. It is often a one-sided communication. Even when the texting goes back and forth the language is stilted and much is lost in translation.

Not good communication.

Perhaps the best communication still comes from face to face conversation. I remember a phrase, or a course title: "The Art of Communication". It wasn't about twitter! It was about really talking to people. I took a class called "Classical Rhetoric." The hardest course I'd taken. The ultimate point was to teach the class the clearest route to communication. What words do we use? What logic makes the case most succinctly? How can we write in such a way that our words influence and reflect our point of view?

All very interesting. Okay, all very interesting to me! I am a big fan of the written word, but I don't believe there is any replacement for face to face communication. That is where we really shine. Our body language, our facial expressions, our tone of voice, our music, if you will, communicates so much more than words on a page, whatever form that page is taking.

And then there is theatre. Live, on stage, singing glorious words to the audience the actors create and share epiphanies. On stage we find the songs of our hearts. We find love. We find clarity. We find redemption.

Theatre is true communion and true communication. The audience and the actors. So simple and pure.

Try to twitter that.

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