Monday, May 18, 2009

Loggoria.  Why doesn't the dictionary recognize that word?  I have tried multiple spellings. Kushner would know the word.  It is what I have.  It is the uncontrollable need to talk and talk.  ("I'm always talking... Chickens squawking.")  What I really mean by it is the uncontrollable need to connect.  The advantage of blogging is that no one has to read or listen.  And yet... there is some connection, out there, even if I am unaware.  I recognize this because I read other blogs and either do not respond or do and sign "anonymous ".  Maybe I'm a coward, but I don't think so. Maybe it is just smart.  The age is different.
Hmm.  That could mean many things.  
I am expecting a picture of my peace plant blooming.  Wish I could see it in person, but, with digital cameras and email.. is it really like being there?  Didn't mean this to be about technology, was really trying to talk about something else.  Maybe that is the point.  We wander around what we really want to say.  Technology makes it easier to avoid the point.  We are all so busy being clever.  Rarely sincere.  Maybe that is too cynical.  Maybe.  And maybe it is just me. 
It is nice being a bit older.  Many things are clearer and many things that cause people stress one comes to realize do not mean a thing.  It may be why the older people in your life say..."it will all be okay."  
Because it will.  It has to.  It is that or we die.  And we die anyway so, what the fuck.  Move forward.  Look back if it is instructive, otherwise, let it all go.  
Hey....Have a great Tuesday! 
(wake up happy)

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