Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Story of the Cyst.

I had a very minor surgery today. But still... surgery! I had a cyst removed. 8 stitches. It had become infected last week and I didn't want to run the risk of infection again. CUT IT OUT! GET THAT THING OUT OF ME!
Gross, the things that grow willy-nilly on one's body. Nobody knows why. The pressure bandage itches but otherwise all seems well. The hand-out post-operative instructions said to avoid smoking and drinking while recovering. Yeah, that's gonna happen. Hey, I know how to keep it clean. I know how to change the dressing and I know how to assess the site's general appearance and speed of recovery. I won't take aspirin for a couple of days. Worry not.
I have to say the medicality (made up word) all interests me. I made the nurse show me the excised cyst. I had to see it. She said, "We're not supposed to show it to you, but..." She must of seen my face. Like I was gonna take "no" for an answer. It used to be a part of my body, for gosh's sake. Show me!
Interesting. Far bigger than the doctor or I'd been lead to believe by its surface appearance. It looked like a marble-sized ball of fat. The doctor sent it off to a pathologist. Good. Means the insurance company will pay for the excision.
I've seen my gall bladder, my dad was the pathologist when I'd had it removed, took a picture and gave me the stones ...I had the stones for a while, until I decided that perhaps it was just a little grotesque and morbid to keep them. (Interesting growing up with Pathologist Dad. Like living with Quincy... or if you are too young.. like living near/in the morgue in CSI.)
There exists a certain curiosity about all things the body creates and produces. Well, at least with me. I want to keep my eyes open. I want to learn. I don't want to be "grossed out" by.. what really is just nature. I think knowing helps to accept and calm, not only me, but anyone else who may end up with a similar issue. I can then be more empathetic, knowledgeable and ultimately helpful.
We can't shirk from our own when they encounter a condition that is unappealing. We need to disengage from the "gag" reflex and help. See the problem and help to fix it. (Especially if that assistance means saying..."Oh, my gosh! See a doctor!") I did and now I will be fine. This was a little adventure. Very personal, but there you are. Really, just a part of life, and maybe just a symptom of growing older. It has to be okay, because, there it is.

Soon. My stitches will be taken out by my doctor in LA. That is how soon. I will be home soon. It is time.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are excised! No more cyst. Just a little over a week now - how time has flown!
