Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday to Saturday.

Another Saturday. Another very satisfying day. I slept 11 hours or so and got up to a husband cheery and ready for the day. (Cleaning Day!) We have family coming over tomorrow so it was time to scrub the floors and the bathrooms and maybe dust a little. I'd shopped yesterday.

After 11 hours of sleep, I desperately needed coffee first! I had a little breakfast, read the paper, did the Saturday puzzles (love them) and finally took my shower, cleaning the shower as I showered. (small giggle) Easier that way!  I joined Phil cleaning the house, spending most of my time on my bathroom and finally taking over the mopping when he needed to collapse. (The MS, remember?)

(Clean House!)

Then, oh, my gosh, I had a ticket to a matinee! Time to get ready!

The theatre is quite close to my house so the drive was easy, no freeways. I arrived early per usual, had a smoke, visited the water fountain and settled in for the performance.

The show should have been a light romp, a fun couple of hours, but the director was a little heavy-handed and the magic was missing. I still had a grand time watching my actor-friend play the only straight role as he tried to add some comedy and float to the otherwise leaden presentation.  The set was workable, the lighting mostly good, the sound was near perfect (designed by another friend of mine) and the theatre ...lovely.

I was a little distracted by the phone that rang a bit too long after it was answered and the tie that was left on the floor under the sofa from the first scene through to the end of the performance. (One would hope the stage manager could have seen this from the booth.) The scene shifts were occasionally sloppy and too long. (I can't help noticing these things. Little details make a huge difference though I don't believe the audience realizes it consciously.)  Through it all my friend added so much charm to the performance I enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon. I was glad I'd come.

After meeting with my friend for a quick visit I hurried home to cook dinner. I'd bacon left from the dinner I cooked last week, some very fresh tomatoes and an avocado that had to be eaten today! I made burgers with swiss cheese and bacon (and avocado), a little bit of pasta as a side dish and a salad. I had some pickling cucumbers that were so fresh they added just the right crunch and flavor to the salad. Success!

After dinner we watched streaming Netflix (still on our second go-round with Torchwood) and then... off to bed. The first of the holiday festivities begin tomorrow. My brother-in-law and his wife come over for a bit of lunch and a visit before they head up to her family Thanksgiving in San Francisco. Monday, I teach and pick up the Honey Baked Ham. Tuesday, I'll get my nails done and go to Cost-Co with Dad. One of my sisters comes into town Tuesday. (My Aunt is already here.) Wednesday is all about cooking, with a quick stop at the local farmer for some fresh corn. Another two sisters and I are cooking for 24 people. Wow. Still a smaller group than we've had. Easy-Peasy.

Friday will be spent with my husband. He is not well enough to come to Thanksgiving, so we'll have our day with each other on Friday. Then... well, we'll be back to Saturday again.

Happy Thanksgiving y'all! Enjoy your family and friends. Ultimately, it is about the people and the visiting. The food is just the excuse.


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