Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Pumpkin Patch In November.

Yes, it has been too long.  I've been living.  I've been spending some time with Dad and the nephew.  I've been talking to sisters, mostly about Thanksgiving and Christmas Shopping. In my family we start talking about Thanksgiving in February. We don't see each other very often, so these are important discussions.

I've been out of work for a little more than two weeks and it is all okay. I've needed to spend this down time with my dear husband.  He needs me more than he will ever tell me, and as long as I don't get too stressed about unemployment, he and I can enjoy this time we spend together!  I am determined to continue to have confidence in my reputation. Something will turn up. Nothing to worry about.  Nothing to do about it anyway!

Ah, then there is politics. Not sure I really want to go there tonight.  I'd rather talk about the wider world, or maybe the more intimate one.  Do I need to go into the "life is hard" complaint and what that precludes? How those thoughts stop us from enjoying each new day?  Meaning, yeah, so what.  Life is hard. Pay your taxes, love your family, make a living.. whatever that means to you... and get on with it!  Don't let the fact that living life is so difficult that you forget to actually go out and live your life. Don't sit home, don't sulk. LIVE.

People say, "Follow your bliss." What does that mean, exactly? Seems a little hackneyed to me. I've found that helping someone gives me more joy than any Disneyland trip I've ever taken. (I gave $10 to my nephew the other day, just because. What joy.)

I have some pictures.

This is a group of aging stage managers at breakfast.  I was a little "puffy" that day.  We all worked together for many years, then things um.. changed. We are all on our own. We still meet for breakfast! How great is that?

I shot this beautiful picture on a walk I took just last week. I call it "Sun through the Clouds." But, it is actually the silver lining we all hope to see.

I love these photos. They speak to me of California Fall, the clear and oddly warm days, the chilly nights. We do have seasons. The days are majestic!


My friend will be delighted that I included some ghost pumpkins in this post! Look! They are in the middle! Oh... so Autumn. I love it!

Happiness may be as simple as a pumpkin patch in November...

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. The silver lining photo is stunning. So much of what you write resonates very powerfully with me. Have you tried submitting anything to paper or online "publications"? You have a simultaneously unique and universally human perspective. Well, I should say I wish it were universally human. Some humans missed out on that compassion gene somehow.
