Monday, March 14, 2011

Daffodils And Japan.

Daffodils are a miracle in and of themselves. (I have twenty blooming on my dining table. $1.67 for ten. A pittance to pay for the joy they bring.)

I humbly offer a couple-three haikus to you, my dear reader. Sometimes clumsy poetry beats out the best prose.

Japan's late winter
blasting and devastating
a graceful people

Spring comes to Nippon
betrayed by earth and water
her people stand strong

It's spring yet I weep
My friends are torn and broken
So much to do

We should all take a lesson from the grace and strength the Japanese people are showing during these most difficult times.  Such civility and humanity.  My heart breaks as they persevere.  We, here in America may be broke and out of work but most of us are finding ways to keep our homes, our treasures and.. our families fed. As much as we might complain, we are still better off than most of the world and we need to remember and know this. And we need to help.

In this world, it is the daffodils that are the miracle. Everything else needs a little help. We must just stop and learn that we all have to come together.

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