Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My Facebook Fury.

I wrote a diatribe on facebook tonight.  One of my "friends" posted something very offensive about the mosque intended to be built near ground zero.  Her suggestion was to put offensive pornography and strip clubs across the street.  This was my response:

"I can't believe I am "friends" with some of you. Have you any idea how offensive this is? I've actually considered "un-friending " some of you. My husband is an Arab-American. He is not Muslim but some people don't make the distinction. And it doesn't matter anyhow.
We (the people of these United States) are not designed to be an oppressive country though that is the way it all seems to be going now. Fuck you all for your intolerance! The insensitivity is offensive to me. Muslims are NOT the problem. Hate and bigotry is. Grow up and look at history. Jews, Catholics, Blacks, Hispanics, oh, and Gay People too ... any group that does not conform to White Protestantism is a target. Look at the GOP's candidates! Really look at what they are saying!

Do any of you realize there was a Mosque in the Twin Towers? Muslims died too that day... And they were AMERICANS! Stop this HATE.

STOP IT! Radical extremists exist everywhere. Look at the Tea Party. Really listen to what these crazies are saying. How dare you denigrate an entire religion because of a few. We are supposed to be better than that! And, if you are listening to FOX News.. The United States is not Saudi Arabia or any other country that is intolerant. You say... until the Arab countries allow Catholic or Baptist or Lutheran or whatever churches in their country we should not allow the Muslim faith. We have set up a country better than theirs. WE have freedom of religion. This is a specious argument. They are fucked up. We are supposed to be better. Get it together folks, or we are going to set ourselves up for a religious war. And we won't win.

Tolerance. Who really cares if there is a (peaceful, religious place of worship) mosque anywhere. I don't find it in the least offensive. I find the idea hopeful. REALLY.
Relax and then worry about our troops still looking for Osama, worry about your children and your next job. Worry about the state of our country that has become something else than the forefathers imagined. WHAT ARE WE DOING? We are in very scary times."

(Now, a comment on my facebook diatribe.) 

Very scary times indeed when intelligence takes a back seat to "poplulism." When the "good ol' boy" who drinks with you beats out the guy who helped you pass math or history, very scary times indeed.  When we elect people who don't know or understand history and want to take us back to the 'original' constitution.. you know, where "negroes" are slaves and women can't vote, scary scary stuff.

Yeah.  Let's do that!

Makes me just want to move to France.  Well, maybe not France right now.  How about Fiji?

1 comment:

  1. Bravo. I find this whole reaction racist and frightening. I've written about it myself. This kind of hate must be stopped. It cannot be allowed to grow. It cannot be tolerated.

