Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Stuck in Time

Summer may be the best time to eat plums. I like the red ones especially. Tart and drippy juicy. So good. Heirloom tomatoes too, in a spinach salad. A little grilled swiss gruyere and fontina cheese sandwich with fresh basil. Hmm. A perfect dinner!

Yet another reason to be content in Southern California. The produce! The marvelous selection of cheeses, the cheap (really good) wine, the toasty days and the cooler nights. I am close enough to the coast right now that I do need to put on sleeves when I am outside. Not a sweater, just a shirt with sleeves.

And yet, I can't help wishing for something more. Someone more. I have my colleagues, many of whom have become good friends. I have my neighbors (who are my colleagues). Yet, I still spend most of my off time (spare though that may be right now) alone. It is okay, it can just be a little bit strange. In a big way, I am used to this. I even thrive. But that doesn't mean I have to like it.

When work is all consuming spending time alone is the best use of my time. (Oh, here we go again with this "time" thing!) But, once work falls into a routine of sorts, and my free time increases, I wish for more. I wish for my someone in particular. In the flesh. Where I can see him.

I think we call this love =). Then, I think... isn't it amazing that after all this time I want to spend my time with the same man I met when I was 21? If all the world were to fade, and all the people go away, I'd be fine, as long as he stayed and shared time with me.

I was pretty and astute at 21. I found my life partner. (He was in this bar...) And, happily, there is no going back. We are stuck in time together.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! That is the best tribute to a life partner. I feel the same way about my guy. I love the photo of you both - could you be any cuter?

