Thursday, July 16, 2009

Out of Focus.

I feel a little out of focus tonight. I don't know why. The day went extremely well. The evening was wonderful. What is it? Waiting for the other shoe to drop? I feel creepy-crawly and very hot. Like a premonition is coming on. Something is happening that concerns me or some member of my extended family. Something is out of kilter. I just can't put my finger on it. It is all just a little unnerving.

Sometimes I feel the earth move. I mean, I think I feel it spinning in space, traveling about the sun, traveling through time. We are time-travelers all. Duration is our 4th dimension. We witness and feel, we remember the past. We revisit the past through captured images. How long ago did this comet exist in this particular place at this particular time? We look through a window in time. Our technology allows us to do so. So, how big a stretch is it to think we can feel and see the future? Or, less improbable, feel and see the present, the present of someone else...

I do think we have innate abilities we are just beginning to understand. I know we have more than the five senses drilled to us in grammar school. My poet-grandmother would understand. This is not mysticism. It just sounds like it is.

I dream things. I feel things. I get a completely inexplicable random feeling and it means something broader than myself. I've learned to pay attention to these feelings. Because something has happened, or will happen, or is happening now, and it is important.

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