Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Black Holes and All The Rest.


All my friends and siblings say at the end of every conversation.,"What weird times."  We have family plans that are now not so stable. I had plans to attend. I have too many doctor things going on  (my appendix! What?) I need to hibernate with my dearest husband. (Sounds like I have several.. I'll let you decide.)

Because I've been staying away from most folks for at least two years with my compromised immune system this is not that weird for us. Phil is a homebody and seems happy to do the shopping and go puttering around the house. . He has projects. We are fine and we are mostly happy. We get to leave the house for my chemo and my other doctor appointments.. Not a great reason but the drives are nice. No. The drives are stunning!! (We get to drive to Thousand Oaks. My goodness. Feels like a vacation.)

My cancer drugs are working! Yay! But.. now I have Chronic Kidney Disease from the drugs. Also I've torn something in my hip.. The MRI showed my torn thing in my hip but also turned up a tumor in my appendix. Great. Now I need a colonoscopy and then surgery to remove my appendix. I also am now making kidney stones.. So .. I have a urologist.. LA LA LA. (Appendix surgery in June.)

Hard to get all this stuff taken care of  because the docs are seeing folk via facebook or what ever. (I have a gynecology appt. on  June 5.  It is on facetime. Wondering how that will pan out.. Yikes. Honestly Laughing Out Loud.  ]

Hard to get all this stuff done because surgeries like this have been postponed. Bummer. I just want to be left alone.

But.. I find I am full of joy. I know we will get through this. I love spending all the time with my husband.

I am hoping y'all will stay SAFE and stay WELL.  And we will all get together again.

I love you my friends.  I love talking to you.. I love Zoom and Facebook. Let's do it again.


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