Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The 4th Of July.

Happy 4th. An Englishman once asked me what we called the 4th of July. Hmm. What do you think I said? He challenged me. "Isn't is called Independence Day?" I said, "Yes, but we call it "The 4th of July." He was chagrined. Still makes me laugh. (Some of you can guess who this particular Englishman is...)

This holiday belongs to us all. Just like Thanksgiving. The entire country stops (some of us for a small moment) and recognize what we all have in common. We applaud our independence and we are thankful for it. Jew, Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Mormon, Buddhist, Atheist, Druid, Hindu. More, I'm sure! We all in this country celebrate two things together. The 4th of July and Thanksgiving. How wonderful! Whoa! Really! All these people with all these different ideologies and we still have two things and two holidays in common.

Gives me hope.

I take back my flag. I reclaim the flag. Sometimes the stars and stripes seem to have been co-opted by the GOP or the Libertarians. The flag belongs to me too. I too have an investment in what that flag symbolizes. I claim it and dare to display it in the unity that is us all.

Come on! Stop it! We are one country and politics is the art of compromise. Anything else is just masturbation. (Pulling on one's dick.) Let us be a bit more open-minded and listen a minute to what the other side has to say. Let us stop lying to each other. Oh, man.. I'm thinking of John Lennon right now. Imagine.

I don't want to wax on about how ironic it is that the "christians" in this country pay no attention to their own doctrine. I don't want to get into the sad sorry beliefs the tea party has about taxes and mandates that would in fact help their families. I don't even want to talk about how those same people can spend afternoons protesting things they don't really understand. I'm over trying to convince my poor trodden real Republican friends that they are drinking the kool-aid and how easy it is to find out the truth. Why do none of my friends do the simple internet search I do? Frustrating. It is so easy to find the truth and too easy to believe the easy lie. Liars abound. Stop listening to them. Or.. at the very least, do a little research. Please. Here is a little link that will check out all claims: They will answer your question about the validity of any claim.  I'm giving you the link.

My oh my I apologize. These men don't speak for me. I emphatically disagree.

There is so much good, here. Can we at least agree to grant every one civil rights? Can we do unto one another good instead of screwing them? How much money do you really need, dude? You do know you can't take it with you, don't you? How about leaving a legacy instead?  (Duh.. my money pays for the fire dept. and the road you drive on too.)

We combine. We join together. We don't make money independent of each other. We support each other. We CARE. We help. We make jobs and we donate money, food and clothing. Come on! I don't get the lack of compassion! I honestly don't understand it.

Republicans... I invite you to explain this to me. How can we live in a world with no compassion? How can you call yourselves Christians when you don't help your fellow man? How can you call for less government and then insert yourself into my body? Have you no respect for women? Women Republicans: Have you no respect for yourselves?

The Republican Party has lost its way. Makes me sad. The Democrats are pussies. They don't know how to stand up to the NRA. Really? Yeah... let's all get guns and just shoot each other. Good plan.

ObamaCare, RomneyCare, yeah, whatever. Both plans are just a start. I've spent a lot of time in union negotiations. A start is all we need. We have to change health care in this country. I know first hand.

I'm rambling.. again.

But I'm back, my dear readers. And I have more to say.


1 comment:

  1. This post was so brilliant - it should be published! Love you, D.
