Sunday, February 12, 2012

Allergies, Remedies.

I can't tell you how hard it is to be as allergic as I am. Out of nowhere I will start sneezing, then coughing, then sneezing again. It is more disconcerting to the people around me... I am used to it, as uncomfortable as it is.

I have tried Allegra, Claritan, Alavert and so on. Yeah. They don't work. The most effective medicine is Chlor-tri-meton with Singular. Or, just giving up and using steroids. I just had an attack. The attacks don't last very long, but are noisy filled with coughing and sneezing and lots of nose blowing. Then over.

Oh, and what do I do about the hives? The itching skin and rashes and hives? Well, the best drug I've found is Benedryl. It actually works. (Solves the allergies to grasses and walnuts.)

How about the allergy to fish? No remedy! None. Don't eat fish. Period.

I have lived with this all my life. I've made adjustments. Last time I mowed the lawn and got hyper allergic I went to my doctor and he prescribed a gardener! I am not allowed to mow the lawn any more. (Alas for my husband.)

It is all okay.. one does learn to adjust... but, out of nowhere the sneezing will start. It hurts. Not like a usual sneeze. Don't say "God Bless You" all 6 times I sneeze. It just pisses me off.


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