Sunday, February 26, 2012

Save Our Souls Later.

I watch the news every night. I watch and read and am involved. I research things I don't understand so I can comment intelligently about the topics we should be talking about. I want to have a concrete understanding of empirical fact. Here is what I've discovered.

Gas prices are not controlled by presidents. As much as I'd liked to, and wanted to, I didn't blame George W. Bush for the incredibly high gas prices in 2006 and 2007. Prices are controlled by Wall Street speculators looking at "futures." All of that has to do with betting against enough oil (there is enough oil) because of the Middle East instability or some other potential future shortage. Speculators are betting against us. Those same speculators are American Citizens. They are throwing all their cards where they think profit lies and that drives up gas prices. The pipeline from Canada to the Gulf is so Canada can export oil to China. It is not about oil for the USA. We won't get that oil. China is offering a better price. We will sacrifice so much natural wonder to make yet another deal with China. Yeah, such a good idea!  

I love wind farms. I know a lot of people object. I think wind farms are beautiful. Republicans might find it interesting that some of the most ardent opposition to wind farms are progressive Democrats. Well, I think you are all wrong. Wind has great power and we should use it!

I am for nuclear power. When regulated and actuated correctly it is a wonderful source of power. Caveat: Regulation is key.

Drill baby Drill! Let's talk about that. Well, aside from the fact that we'd destroy our greatest resource, the beauty of our country, it would take until 2030 to find enough oil to offset our oil dependence. Bush couldn't do it in 8 years. Neither could his dad. I am not really shilling for Obama, I'm just saying we are stupid if we don't look for alternate energy sources. And POTUS has nothing to do with it.

We have to take care of our planet. We have to look out for ourselves too. We have to stop being distracted about who has rights and who doesn't. We all HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS. Get over it.

Really, just today, Santorum said we shouldn't try to send our kids to college!!? He wants to keep us all pliant and ignorant and unable to compete in the wider World Economy. Who is this guy and why is anyone paying any attention to him?

Education is the key. Let us show the world as it is, let us show the truth, or at least the facts{!} to all, and trust the people to understand. Then... when they've been educated.. oh what a world.

By the way, I've not heard one Republican candidate talk about the wider world view. We have a crisis in the Middle East. Americans are killed nearly every day overseas.. and yet, these candidates prefer to talk about my body. How out of touch is that? 

Oh. I am so less concerned with my reproductive rights right now than I am concerned about Syria and Afghanistan.

Really. Do I have to say it? Wake Up!

People are dying. . Let us help them and rescue them. We can save their souls later.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Love Letter. A Stage Manager's Reflection.

I love actors. I love them. I love their commitment to their dream. I love their perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds. I love the tenacity and sheer inventiveness, recreating themselves for each and every audition. I love the self-absorption, because I get it. I find I want to take care of them. It seems to be my mission.

The actor is the most important element in every show I do. I endeavor to support and encourage. I try to read and understand each actor's need and ability to take a note. I am not always successful, but my intent is to give a note that helps the performance and makes the performer perform better. I spend time in rehearsal getting to know my actors and my director so I can give notes that stay true to the director's vision and so the actors will trust my commitment to them. I talk to them before each and every show and check in after each show.

My job as a stage manager is to take care of the show. The single best way to do this is to take care of my actors. (Calling cues and knowing I am performing with them is another blog. That is about my art.)

Supporting the actors is not my only responsibility. I am also interested in the welfare of the crew so I  endeavor to create a work environment that supports and protects them. I will take full responsibility to effect this end. The crew needs to know how much I appreciate the mostly un-thanked work they do too.

Honestly... I think this is all about management. All about people. Take care of the people and you take care of the show.

My philosophy in a nutshell.

I always miss my actor friends after they are gone; after the show ends. I always look forward to seeing and working with them again. Coffee is good too.


Friday, February 17, 2012

No More Sex.

I'm so done with the Republican Party Platform. I am a thinking, hard working woman. I think of myself as middle class, but I am probably low middle class based on my income and their own evaluation.  I'm beyond distressed at the attack on women now coming from not just Tea Party Republicans, but Republicans in general. I used to think we had an honest discussion going on. I have never voted along party lines just because someone was a member of my registered party. I'm disgusted. I'm disillusioned. There is no discourse in this country anymore. EVERYONE is INTRACTABLE! 

I do and will continue to have control of my own body. Period. (Yeah.. ha ha, double entendre.. you are an idiot.) When will Republicans believe liberals are NOT for abortions. We want to prevent them too. But, we are facing a reality here where illegal abortions KILL women. So.. to safeguard living human beings we made a compassionate choice (way back in the 70's) that women didn't need to die using coat-hangers.
We tried to spread the word about birth control. And, in case you weren't listening.. not having sex. It was called "Sex Education." Banned in a lot of places! I went to a Catholic Girls School. My sex education was called Christian Marriage. Fortunately the Nuns found a woman doctor to teach the class. Thank goodness! We actually learned something!

Right to Lifers always think we are "for killing babies." Not true. Never true. We are looking to save the 13 year old incest rape victim from having to spend 9! months reliving that rape. What man can say the same thing. This is NOT a discussion for men. Sorry. It is NOT. This is not your body. Step out of the conversation. We are NEVER looking to call abortion a method of birth control. It is too devastating. No one should have to have an abortion. Sometimes it is the only option. Who are you, you man asshole to say it is not necessary? You have NO say in this. This is my body. I will smoke and drink and do with it as I please. That is between me and my god. Wait. are you saying I can't practice my religion too?

Really. This debate is about Women's Rights. Women.. will you stand for this? Have we once again become second class citizens? I am too infertile to care, yet I do. I fought this battle and won. You, you need to fight again against the oppressive nature of the New Republican party. It is not your Dad's party anymore. It is trying to take us back, pre- 1950's.

Do you know about the ERA amendment to Congress? Equal Rights for Women?  From the 1970's? It still hasn't passed.

Tell me about how some men think of you.

My Call, specious as it is: Stop having sex with men who don't support your civil rights. Do this and they will change their tune.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Parades In Our Future.

I love a parade. Not the big ones.. not the New York Macy's Day Parade or even the Rose Parade.. though that one is very pretty! I love the little home grown parades that show up on the 4th of July or Memorial Day. I love the local color.

My parents gave us kids a tandem bike many years ago and my sister Kris and I dressed it up with balloons and crepe paper and entered the Chatsworth, California parade. I believe my brother Joe helped us and my other two sisters, Dedie and Jenny cheered us on. I remember I felt so proud as I rode past my 5th Grade teacher, Mr. Y. Yes, that is what we called him. He waved to us and I was so happy. Simple things. Simple rememberings.

In Sunland, my current and probably forever hometown does parades. Phil and I used to go. The police do this wonderful demonstration of motorcycle maneuvering... really amazing, blaring sirens the entire time.. horseback riders come through and little kids come after in go-carts. Government Congressmen ride past in cars waving to all the people who did not vote for them. It is so much fun and so ... local. Love it. (So funny too.)

Don't know why, but in the middle of winter I am thinking about 4th of July Parades! (An English Man whom I do not like once asked me.. "What do you call the 4th of July?" I said, " We call it "The 4th of July"." and I thought... "you idiot.")

Ah.. It may be the middle of winter... but there are parades in our future!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Allergies, Remedies.

I can't tell you how hard it is to be as allergic as I am. Out of nowhere I will start sneezing, then coughing, then sneezing again. It is more disconcerting to the people around me... I am used to it, as uncomfortable as it is.

I have tried Allegra, Claritan, Alavert and so on. Yeah. They don't work. The most effective medicine is Chlor-tri-meton with Singular. Or, just giving up and using steroids. I just had an attack. The attacks don't last very long, but are noisy filled with coughing and sneezing and lots of nose blowing. Then over.

Oh, and what do I do about the hives? The itching skin and rashes and hives? Well, the best drug I've found is Benedryl. It actually works. (Solves the allergies to grasses and walnuts.)

How about the allergy to fish? No remedy! None. Don't eat fish. Period.

I have lived with this all my life. I've made adjustments. Last time I mowed the lawn and got hyper allergic I went to my doctor and he prescribed a gardener! I am not allowed to mow the lawn any more. (Alas for my husband.)

It is all okay.. one does learn to adjust... but, out of nowhere the sneezing will start. It hurts. Not like a usual sneeze. Don't say "God Bless You" all 6 times I sneeze. It just pisses me off.


Thursday, February 2, 2012


I dreamed last night that Mensa sent me a bumper sticker. It was the word "Mensa." I was surprised but thought, "What the hell." It was a punch out version of M E N S A and I very carefully punched it out. I put it on my car. I thought... "yeah." I woke up and thought... "Yeah.". Hmmm, wondering what that says about me.