Monday, May 10, 2010

Expecting More.

Teching does not always bring the joy I wildly anticipate. I am currently working at a theatre that endeavors to become more legit. Not Ready For Prime Time? Not Quite Ready For Professional Theatre!

Earnest and young. Uninformed and seemingly unwilling or too overworked to read the contract they've signed. Arrogant and insecure and very very defensive. I've tolerated a lot, understanding how difficult it is to make the jump into legitimacy; and I want to help them. I'm trying.


Part of helping this organization is to open their eyes. They've made the leap and have to stay informed and face the challenges that legitimacy presents. They need to honor that aforementioned contract. And it is all such a "oh, um, hum...shit, we have to do that? Where does it say that?" kind of conversation that I am having every day. Boring. Does nobody read what they've signed?

I'm in tech and my extremely long fuse is growing short. (It took us an hour and a half until I could start the tech...) I wrote a letter to some of the players tonight and we will see what tomorrow will bring.

I just want to deliver the best piece of theatre I can. I will spend my time with this company delivering just that. I will fight for the work onstage. That is my contract with them.


They need to step up to the plate. Yes! Higher expectations!

I can't do this without them. (Right there is the incentive.) Theatre takes a community. I need them all and without them we cannot succeed.

(Succeed we will! I'm taking steps...)

1 comment:

  1. Educate them you will. Hopefully, some lessons will be learned and they will take that step forward.

