My husband and I finally got in the car and drove to San Diego. I needed to pick up the boxes I'd left behind in anticipation of the job that didn't happen. I needed to cut the ties and say "good-bye."
It was a long day, a long drive back and forth, but he and I spent it together so the day was filled with great conversation, singing, remembrances, and a couple of very controlled "fare thee wells."
Success, I guess. A chapter finally closed. (The boxes are still in the trunk of the car.)
When traveling from L.A. to San Diego and back again one finds two matching rest-stops. Off the 5 heading south, the fauna includes screeching black birds with bright red wings. Heading north, one finds the same screeching black birds, but with bright green wings. Why? The birds are just a freeway apart. What would Darwin say? Weird.
I have the Chinese take-out number in my phone, so, 15 minutes out we called and ordered dinner. Easy. Nice dinner, a little Olympics and some NetFlix Dr. Who. Home again...jiggity jog.
We all have interludes as we move forward. Puzzling sometimes, but those strange intriguing interludes help us on the great journey, make us wonder and marvel as we travel through time and live out our lives.