Thursday, September 24, 2009

I'm Off!

I can't find my glasses, I've lost my jump drive, I need to take a shower and clean this apartment, so of course, instead, I'm wasting time, writing my blog.
My feelings have been so ambivalent lately, I have not felt much like writing. I am longing to be home. I am loathe to say goodbye. I am tired, and I have boundless energy. I look at the books I didn't read this summer, the gift certificate to a massage I probably won't use, the sorting and packing I've left to the last minute and wonder where the time went.
The dichotomy is 6 months is a really long time. 6 months is no time at all, and flew by. However, I'm more ready to go than I don't feel like leaving. Convoluted and flawed sentence construction, but indicative of my inner thoughts and feelings.

I know what to do, right now. I am getting up, getting into the shower. I will take out the garbage. I will make the bed and meet my boss for lunch. I will go have coffee later this afternoon with my director. I will nap and I will call a show. A full day.

I'm off.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way as I prepared to leave. Couldn't wait to get home - wanted to stay. Missed my family - knew I was going to miss the company. It is a strange, Sybil-like feeling.

    Hang in there.
