Thursday, August 19, 2010

Living It.

Home. It is hot, but smells clean. The fans and the swamp cooler work well. When they don't the little air conditioner in the corner cools the whole house.  My bedroom.  My bedroom. So happy to be back in my bedroom. My bathroom, crispy white. The lawns, front and back are crispy brown. Well, we are under water restriction here. The green lawns some of my neighbors' sport show just how much they ignore the edict to water only twice a week. My lawns are sad little reminders I am not in Seattle anymore.

Oh, and Water Pressure!  One moves away from LA and one has real actual water pressure in showers and in the kitchen.  I'd forgotten about our sorry little streams, but, the little streams make me happy.  I don't need so much, really, to wash my hair.  It works.  It is just a different sensation.  Less luxurious.  Less.. water!

Home and getting used to it again. I've decided to take as much of the week off as I can. I do have some household obligations, talking to insurance companies and attending a faculty meeting or two that I can't avoid, but otherwise, I'm trying instead to be with my husband, find time for my father and maybe check in with my sisters and my brother, all of whom I've virtually ignored for 10 weeks. Life has to come back in at some point!

And life, it will. I do what I do to make my life. I need to remember to live it.

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