It’s almost Valentine's Day, let's learn about you and him. 💗❤️
How long have you been together? 42 years!
Who asked who out? Hmm. I picked him up in a bar in Venice.
Do you have any children together? NO
Who said I love you first? Don't remember. I think he did.
Who is the most sensitive? He is. I just pretend.
Where do you eat out most at? Joselitos
Who's older? He
Who has the worse temper? Me
Who is the neat freak? He is a Virgo and I don't care.
Who's the most romantic one? He is!
Who is the most stubborn? I think he is but I think he would beg to differ.
Who wakes up the earliest? He gets up at 4 or 5 am!
Who's the funniest? He is pretty funny..looking! Ah hahaha.
Where was your first date? Um. His apartment? We had breakfast in Westwood the next day.
Who has the biggest family? We're pretty even, though I seem to have all these extra family members wandering around.
Do you get flowers often? All the time.
How long did it take to get serious? About a year.
Who was interested first? I stalked him. It works for me.
Who picks where you go to eat? I do.
Who is the first one to admit when they're wrong? We are never wrong.
Who wears the pants in the family? I have never understood that question.
Who eats more sweets? If he buys me candy I eat it. If I buy cake or ice cream or candy or cookies and tell him I bought them for him.. he eats it.
Married? Yes
Most sarcastic? He is.
Who makes the most mess? Poor Phil. He has to vacuum every day.
Hogs the remote? We have two televisions.
Better driver? I am, but he will say he is because I keep running into things and he never has any accidents. But.. I am the better driver!!
Did you go to the same school? No
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together? Great Britain.
Who hogs the bed? Apparently I do.
Who does the laundry? He does. Yay.
Who drives when you are together? He does. I close my eyes.