Monday, November 13, 2017

Question Posed by Matt Shiner "Musings for a Monday . . . are you satisfied with where you with your career (not current job, but career) . . . (gin, with blood orange bitters and tonic . . . )"

I love stage managing. It is all I want to do. AND.. I am really good at it! 

I have found a way (even with cancer and age creeping up) to keep doing it. 

These TYA shows are saving my psyche and therefore my life! 
(I have accomplished everything I wanted to in my career. I wanted to be mentioned by playwrights in their published scripts.. done. (a long time ago.) I wanted to work on Broadway. Done. I wanted to work in London.. done .. well, in Chelsea.  I wanted to do Shakespeare and French Revival. Done. Touring.. done.) 

I am slowing down now. I am comfortable (nay, happy!) with my choices and I love the audiences of children. I am teaching the next generation to love our art. Love to you all! Success in all your struggles! 

It is a noble calling. I truly believe that.