Thursday, January 10, 2019

Negotiations - A Facebook Post


I have rarely worked for less than LORT B Contract money regardless of the contract unless there are other considerations.. do I need the workweeks? or is it like 10 min. from my house and I'm feeling lazy. Ha! I do not work without workweeks. Most of my career was LORT A. On Production Contracts I get above minimum and expect it. I will negotiate housing on Production Contracts if needed. (I live in LA - If you need me in NYC you need to put me up... at least for a while. It is required by me, but negotiable. - I've had a hotel room for an entire contract and I've had a hotel room until (they helped me) find an apartment. I've negotiated and received housing or per diem without it stated in the particular contract. I've received bonuses to return to a contract. I've been given an apartment to come to NY (with Production Contract salary) and to "keep up" a show. I used to make quite a bit of money ($1200 - $1400 a day) on corporate events.. That has dried up since 2008. I'm recently retired now and my pension is good. BE SURE TO GET YOUR HEALTH AND PENSION contributions! It makes a difference. The new 401k s in some contracts is nice, but last month my 401k lost $1000 because.. well, Trump. Always negotiate. All they can do is say "no." I had/have a very good reputation and directors and "stars" who have asked for me in particular. It helps to have done a good job every time you go out. It helps to be good. My best advice. Do good work. Be kind. Take care of the show. Take care of your crew. Take care of your actors. Do your designers proud. I worked my butt off to create this reputation. I've had a grand time. Do ART. (I've received 5 job offers since I've retired. Snatch 'em up y'all!)

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