Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Resolution.

We have a peculiar tradition in this country. We make New Year's Resolutions. The practice has apparently been around since Roman times in one form or another. We mark the end of one year and look forward to the next. (January is named for Janus, the two-faced god who looks both to the past and to the future.) I find it peculiar because it is a practice that so many of us follow and so few of us keep longer than a month or two, if that. The trivial nature of our resolutions may have much to do with this.

We collectively and individually resolve to lose weight, exercise more, eat less (and in this country, those are near vital resolutions.) We promise to quit smoking or to drink less. We resolve to start each day with a smile or to make up the bed or to keep the house cleaner. We will mow the lawn more frequently or paint the house or learn the piano or a foreign language. We will work harder at school or read more...
These promises are all well and good. I wonder why we need the New Year to add weight to what is essentially self-improvement.

I am all for self-improvement. I just think that it is the daily promise we should make to ourselves. "Hmm. Didn't do so well with that today. Tomorrow I'll do better."

The word itself is peculiar. Resolution. In the tradition of New Year's it is a promise, vow or oath. In another context it can mean the end of an incident or the wrapping up of details... The end of the story, if you will, much like a denouement. Resolution can signify that now it is time to move on.

Back to New Year. Certainly New Year's eve is the end of something... this year the end of some very difficult and tragic times. We come to the close of the year. The resolution of 2012. Perhaps resolution should involve looking back collectively at 2012; at a year that offered up some of the most heart-breaking, harrowing and horrible incidents in this country's history. Perhaps by looking back with thoughtfulness and regret we can then resolve to help each other, look to what our neighbors need and take those important steps together towards a more positive future.

Let us look back so we can look forward with hope and unity and love. Maybe if we promise to each other we will find our resolution to be that much stronger and last that much longer.


1 comment:

  1. Mary - thank you so much for writing this beautiful entry - it should SO be published. Where you write: "Hmm. Didn't do so well with that today. Tomorrow I'll do better." - I can just hear you say "that" the way you do. :-) Really wonderful entry. Denise Miller
