Monday, January 23, 2012

Looking Up.

Recently noticed I'm smoking less. Wow. Not even trying. This is a good thing. Encouraged by the most recent run-through of my current project, am beginning to see why this play was nominated for the Pulitzer. The music is grand. I am so excited about teaching my class tomorrow I don't know if I can really sleep. I can't wait.

I have the gift of looking at life with pure optimism, most of the time. It is truly a gift. I could spend a lot of time complaining about what is wrong on this blog..and I do sometimes, but mostly, I CHOOSE to be happy. I choose to wake up with a smile and look at the new day as a NEW DAY.

The world is in a dangerous state of flux. My friends have issues and problems I will not discuss here.. I am always looking for a job. But. But. The morning light is so beautiful. The coffee tastes so good. Okay, I'll eat oatmeal for breakfast and save my heart, but really, how hard is that? I like oatmeal.

You may have noticed I've included some songs written by my gorgeous husband on my blog. I actually had to have him put them there. I am not as adept as he with scary code. Take a listen when you have the time.

This is all to say... Good luck to you all. I believe things are looking up. Just a feeling, but I have very accurate feelings.

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